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Dr. Khadar sir says Siridhanya (millets) are unique grains which have fiber in the entire grain unlike other millets. So one has to soak the millets previous night to cook the following morning and soak in the morning for same day cooking in the evening.

  • Soak for atleast 6 hours so that it enables the fibre even in the deeper layers to expand. Soaking time has to be increased to a minimum of 8 hours and a maximum of 12 hours for kids and aged people

  • For 1cup (180ml) add 3cups of water (can be increased or decreased as per your preference) and soak. For cooking transfer this water into a clay pot or steel utensil. Once water starts to boil add a teaspoon of oil (optional) and cook on low flame. Usage of oil makes the rice cook fluffy

  • Usage of clay utensils is recommended over steel utensils as food cooked in them tastes great. Moreover clay utensils are considered to be unique

  • NOTE:

  • Little millet - 1cup millet : 2 ½ cups water

  • Barnyard millet - 1cup millet : 2 ½ cups water

  • Kodo millet - 1cup millet : 3 cups water

  • Foxtail millet - 1cup millet : 3 ¼ cups water

  • Browntop millet - 1cup millet : 3 ½ cups water

  • Each company millet varies and we even have polished and unpolished millets. Unpolished millets are good.

  • Quantity of water used for cooking varies on above factors too. If the rice is old say an year, then it may need more water too. 

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